American Baptist Quarterly Vol. 32 No. 3-4 Fall/Winter 2013

235 Editorial Introduction
Curtis W. Freeman
238 The Catholic Spirit of Thomas Grantham
Clint Bass
258 Andrew Fuller and the Defense of Trinitarian Communities
iVIichael A. G. Haykin
279 Deacon James Loring, Boston, Massachusetts, Baptist Printer and Publisher
David W. Music
292 Squire Boone, Jr.: The First Kentucky Baptist Minister?
Jeff Straub
309 Jacob Knapp: Instantaneous Conversion and Immersion
Joe Early, Jr.
320 Baptist Trailblazers on the Michigan Frontier; James A. B. and Lucinda Hinsdale Stone
Elizabeth. J. Harris
340 Pitt Holland Moore: “One More than Others Able” Part One
John Ross Carter
368 Pitt Holland Moore: “One More than Others Able” Part Two
John Ross Carter
395 Decently and in Order: The Philadelphia Association and the Search for a Usable Polity
Keith Harper
414 Associations and Elders: Reconsidering Two Helpful American Baptist Practices”
Brett Smith
428 The Perception of Baptists in Tsarist Russia
Albert W. Wardin