Catholic Biblical Quarterly Vol. 76 No. 3 July 2014

421-435    Hidden Treasure in Job14:17 Andrew R.Davis

436-449    Prophecy and the Monarchy in Haggai and Zechariah
Paul L. Redditt

436-449    Election by Allusion: Exodus Themes in the Book of Tobit
Francis  M. Macatangay

464-480    Anna’s Characterization in Luke 2:36-38: A Case of Conceptual Allusion? Andres Garcia Serrano

481-497    “In the Father’s Bosom”: Breastfeeding and Identity Formation in John’s Gospel
Alicia D. Myers

498-518    Memory and Hope in the Midst of Chaos: Reconsidering the Structure of 1 Thessalonians
Timothy Milinovich

498-518    Book Reviews
Joan E. Cook, S.C., and Linda M. Maloney

498-518    Collected Essays

592-597    Books Received